
Saturday, June 2, 2012

A day of GAMES and SUCKERS

It was play day Thursday, and boy did we have FUN!!!!   This is what we transformed the pasture into....
You can't see it very good, but at the end there is one swimming noodle standing straight up in the air with 4 flags tied onto it...

to make the swimming noodles arch we pounded stakes( I cut a piece of pvc pipe into 12 inch stakes) into the ground and then take a swimming noodle and put one end over each stake to form an arch--

then add a couple of soccer balls- and you have a race, to get to the end and grab your flag from the pole!!!  The little boys had so much fun with this, I think we are going to have to figure out some other games to play with this set up. It was a beautiful HOT summer day, so .......

 of course there is nothing better than to cool off with water & squirt guns!!! It's their favorite thing to do in the summer...

 These suckers were easy to make & taste so yummy..... first get a package of Jolly Ranchers and unwrap the color combinations you want to use...

lay them onto a piece of parchment paper on a cookie sheet, we did some with 3 colors and some with 2 colors.  Then place them in the oven @ 250 degrees for about 6 minutes.....

 watch them close and as soon as they start to melt pull them out of the oven place a sucker stick into the middle of each one and then really quickly & carefully pinch the melted part onto the sucker stick... be very careful because they will be hot.  Let them cool a few minutes, and enjoy them or.......

wrap them in plastic bags for a treat later.  If you like Jolly Ranchers, you will LOVE these.. I know the little boys did.  And so did their Grandma!!  :)


  1. We tried this with some Jolly Rancher candies that were a few months old. The suckers didn't look as nice. When we used brand new ones, they worked awesome. Do they sell single color bags anywhere?

  2. We first bought the jolly ranchers in a bag at walmart. Then we noticed that you can buy individual ones at Winco. Hope that helps you ;)
