
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Home Made Liquid Laundry Soap

I have been using a homemake laundry detergent for a few months now--  and I have loved it.  But it was a little time consuming and tricky (well tricky isn't the right word- the girls were helping me make it last time & MESSY is the better word... as in the pot of soap boiling over all down the stove & floor.  Haha good times!!  It was great laughs!!  I'll just say "I wasn't the one in charge of watching the pot!")   Anyway getting back to the process of making the had to grate a bar of soap and cook it down on the stove with other ingredients & then when it cooled down it thickened too-- so you had to shake it up before using it everytime.  It wasn't that bad.. because it really did work well and saved so much money.  But I decided to try something else this time, and I am sooooo excited!!!!! It works just as good as the other one and is so much easier to make.  I have washed 4 loads with it, and it works great. So let me show you how.
Into a gallon container pour: 
 3 Tablespoons of Borax
3 Tablespoons of Washing Soda
2 Tablespoons of Dawn dish soap
4 Cups of boiling water
10-15 drops of essential oil  (I used Lavender)
Swirl- don't shake the ingredients-- until everything is dissolved, then let it cool....  
You can use any kind of Dawn soap- there are different sents if you want to do that instead of using the oil to make it smell good. I chose to use the blue Dawn because it works really good on grease, so I thought it might clean tough stains better. But it doesn't smell all that great- so I used the essential oil. 

after it has cooled- then fill the gallon container up with water--I put the container in the sink, turned the water on low and allowed the suds to over flow out of the container...

And this is what you end up with... a gallon of laundry soap ready to go.  Add a 1/2 Cup to each load,  I have a front loading HE washer and it works great in it too.

Oh yea and totally off the laundry soap topic.. yesterday morning I went for a bike ride-- and ran into someone that said she had made the crock-pot yogurt I had posted a few days ago!! --- I was so excited ... sometimes I wonder if anyone is out there, or if I'm just talking to myself!!  :) Haha-  Thanks Christine, you made my day!


  1. I have to say that this soap has been great. I had bought everything to make a new batch of the dry laundry soap. I needed something quick, so I tried it. I am on my second gallon now. Thanks for the info.

  2. Jewel, We are so glad that you enjoy the soap! We all love how well it does!

  3. now cool does it need to be b4 adding water? can i refridgerate it to expedite ?

  4. the consistency is very "watery"... is that how it is suppose to be?

  5. Holly- Yes it is watery, but it cleans really well. I found after time- like a few months, my whites weren't as bright as I like them so I use my reg. detergent on my whites. Everything else I use this homemade kind on and I have never had a problem with it. Hope you like it too. And about the question on how long to cool it before adding the rest of the water- I always just set it in the sink and within a couple of hrs. add the rest. You just want to make sure the dry ingredients are dissolved well before filling the container to the top with water. Hope that helps!

  6. I am now on my third gallon I love this stuff thank you so much for this it is so inexpensive and works well.

  7. Christine I'm glad that you like it! We love it too- it can be so expensive to buy the store brands, and with kids... laundry is never ending! Thanks for stopping by the blog and for leaving a comment-- we love comments.

  8. Mine never dissolved even though I swirled and stirred. The water had been boiling...any ideas now that it all cooled and granules on the bottom?
