
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Countdown to Valentines Day

So my kids LOVE countdown calendars! I also like them as well because I don't have to keep telling them how many days there are until something! I didn't have a good one for Valentines Day until now so I thought that I'd share with you what I made!

First the supplies! You are going to need Cellophane, ribbon, scissors, our free topper and candy of choice
Cut a strip of cellophane wide enough to cover your candy. I cut mine about 4 inches wide. Cut some strips of ribbon

Next lay your candy out on the cellophane.
Fold over the cellophane and start tying the ribbon on in between the candy. I started from the middle and worked my way to the ends.
Once you have it complete add the free topper to the top and wallah! There you go!
(Topper was made with the kit who loves you by gg digital designs)
To get the free topper, click on the image, right click, save as... save to desk top. Print it out as a 3.5x5 on heavy white paper!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Valentines Suckers

HELLO!!!  I know it has been farrrrrr too long since I have posted!!  My how life can keep us busy!  I really wanted to post some things, but there just hasn't been time.  I had 2 of my Grandsons for almost a week- 24/7 so- need I say more?  I had forgotten how much time it takes to be the Mom & the Dad and the Grandma!!  So to all of you Moms and Dads out there... I think you are GREAT!!! Enjoy those little ones while they are little, far too soon they grow up!  And oh how you will miss those good ol' days!  Anyway while I had the boys, we had a few play days--  we made valentine suckers for their teachers one day.. they are made out of candy canes. I'm sure you have seen these around, they aren't new, we've made them a few years now- but they are so fun to do. 
First unwrap the candy canes.  We used the mini ones- then set them up on some parchment paper to form a heat, like this. I did some without the sticks.

Then melt some candy melts- I use a disposable frosting bag to heat it in - in the microwave.  Squeeze the melted chocolate into  the hearts to hold them together, and sprinkle with some sprinkles.

Here the boys are putting their sprinkles on, if you want to make them into suckers insert the sticks before filling them with the melted chocolate. Let them set and cool- they will harden in just a few minutes.

now you can bag them up .......

and tie them with some twine or ribbon and you have the cutest little heart treats you have ever seen.  I like to put a couple of them on a plate of Valentine cookies to give away to friends & neighbors.  They are a fun, simple, quick treat to make. The kids will LOVE helping!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cheese Soup

 Click on the magic button for the printable version of this recipe  ---->

It's so cold outside!!! I love soup on any day- but it is really good on a cold day. This cheese soup recipe is one of the first soup recipes I made as a young Mom... and it is still one of my favorite ones!!

It's easy and fills you up on a cold day- just add a slice of homemade bread & you're set! Enjoy!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lemon Water

Here is an old recipe for a yummy, refreshing lemon drink.... we used to have this all the time for weddings, so you may know if by the name wedding water! 

if you would like the file emailed to you to print off as a 4x6 recipe card... just leave me your email adress and I'll get it to you!

Friday, January 11, 2013

More Valentines Day Stuff

Well, I still can't figure my posting problem out, but I have figured out how to get it to work one picture at a takes so long!!!  But anyway on to the FUN stuff!  It's getting time to start thinking about those Valentines Day Parties!!  Here are some more pictures of our Valentines Day's Past!! 

nothing says Happy Valentines Day like yummy sugar cookies!!
then to balance the SUGAR rush of the cookies I made healthy smoothies with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots- add some pretty red strawberries- and the kids think it's a treat!
You can allways do something Valentines with jell-o
And of course.... dipped strawberries!!!
we made these cute Valentines a couple of years ago... trace their hand on white paper, cut it out & let them glue the two fingers down with a paper heart & it says "I love you " in sign language.  This one was one of my favorite crafts for the kids!!   ~Karen

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Valentines Day

Hi I am having a hard time posting pictures on here.  I can't get any of the pictures I have in my folders to post, but this one worked so here is a fun thing to do to tomatoes to make hearts for a salad.  Just cut a grape tomatoe in 1/2 and flip the top down to the bottom on one side- it will make the shape of a heart.  If I can figure this posting problem out I will post a picture so you can see how to do it, I have a lot more pictures to share... so wish me luck!!

I was able to get one more to work....a very hard and time consuming way- if anyone knows why the browse button isn't showing up on the screen after I click on the insert image button to get pictures from my folders- PLEASE  let me know how to get it working!!  In the meantime I will keep trying things!  Here's a picture of the center piece for our Valentines Day party last year.. love to make the candycane suckers they are so fun!!  ~Karen
Add caption

Friday, January 4, 2013

Dehyrated Apples with a twist!!

One of my Families FAVORITE snacks over the Holidays were these dehydrated Apples......  My friend Anita brought some for us at our annual Friend party this year, they were AMAZING!!!  As a matter of fact she is amazing--  here is how she made them.

 Peel, core & slice your apples- I love to use my handy dandy apple slicer/peeler/corer from pampered chief. It does everything all at once with the twist of a handle.  Then simply dip each slice into your favorite jell-o flavor and put in your food dehydrator- and you will LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!  And besides tasting wonderful- look how festive they are too!! ~Karen    

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's WINTER Time at our house!

Well after 2 days of taking Christmas down..... 

winter is offically here!!! 

I loved the single serving bottles of Martinelli"s sparkling grape juice.... so I had to buy them for the dinning room table! 

Look at the fun snow blocks that were left on my front porch - from my friend Trish at Christmas time! They are perfect on my sofa table.

Warm winter wishes from our house to yours!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How to Freeze spinach & kale for smoothies

HELLO!!!  I feel like I have been gone for a month!  Life has been crazy this last 3 weeks, and it isn't getting any slower for the next little while- I have a lot of things to share with you, but first since it's the first of a new year... if you are like most of us, you are thinking " I need to lose a few pounds and start eating better.'  We make green smoothies almost everyday.  I have posted about how to store your spinach so it lasts longer, but even using it everyday in smoothies I still have a hard time using it all before it goes bad.  This is what I did today.... 

First- this last time I was in Costo they had baby kale in the big bags like the spinach... so I bought some to put in the smoothies.  But like the spinach it was going bad before we could use it.

So I took the kale & the spinach and added a little bit of water in the blendtec, blended them up

and put about 1/4 of a cup into the snack size baggies and froze them.  Then in the mornings they will be ready to toss into the blender with the other ingredients : carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, oranges, bananas, grape juice protein powder- or whatever you like--- - and no waste!!  And I think it might be a little faster too!  Love the green smoothies!  ~ Karen