
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Help your cheese last longer in the fridge

I don't know what happened, but at the moment I have 3 blocks of cheese in my refridgerator.  It must have been on sale lately, and I bought it without checking to see how much I already had.  Anyway- I thought I would share a tip with you on how to make it last longer & keep it from getting mold.  It's pretty simple- just take it out of the plastic wrapper and wrap it in tin foil.  I have found that it doesn't get mold on it and it really does last longer.  So there's your Tip Tuesday!!  Now- how about sharing some of your favorite tips with me??  I would LOVE to hear what they are... 


  1. Karen do you have the one for keeping apple slices from turning brown?

  2. Karen do you have the one for keeping apple slices from turning brown?

  3. I remember reading it, but I don't know if I saved it- I'll check & see if I can find it for you!

  4. Diane...Try soaking them in ginger ale for 10 minutes. I have soaked them in sprite before & it works too!!
